HAROSETH (serves 6) INGREDIENTS: 3 c apples, chopped 3/4 c walnuts or almonds, chopped 3/4 c sweet red wine or grape juice 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/2 c dates, chopped 1/2 c raisins, chopped PROCEDURE: Combine all ingredients in large bowl. Serve immediately or chill for several hours. NOTES: Haroseth represents the mortar with which the Hebrew slaves built the pyramids. Technically the finished product should be ground but not fine. The above recipe will be far too course to be a kosher Haroseth. It would be ideal to use a food processor and pulse the dry ingredients, leaving a crunch quality. Some add the rind and juice of a lemon prior to the pulsing. Others are predominately dried fruit (prunes, apricots, etc.) while others are simple with little more than apples, honey, red wine, and cinnamon. Different regions make Haroseth in different ways, but it symbolizes the same thing in each region. The finished product can be anything from course to a paste.